Lynx invokes a built-in Line Editor for entering strings in response to prompts, in forms, and for email messages if an external editor has not been defined. Administrators can offer alternate key bindings by adding them in LYEditmap.c before compiling Lynx. If available, they may be selected via the old-style 'o'ptions menu (see -forms_options command line option), or by editing lineedit_mode in the .lynxrc file.

Note: setting emacs/vi keys ON has no effect on line-editor bindings.

This is the Default Binding:

     ENTER  Input complete        -  RETURN 
     TAB    Input complete        -  TAB, Do 
     ABORT  Input cancelled       -  Ctrl-G, Ctrl-O, Ctrl-C 
     ERASE  Erase the line        -  Ctrl-U, Ctrl-X 
     BACK   Cursor back     char  -  Left-Arrow 
     FORW   Cursor forward  char  -  Right-Arrow 
     BACKW  Cursor back     word  -  Ctrl-P 
     FORWW  Cursor forward  word  -  Ctrl-N 
     BOL    Go to begin of  line  -  Ctrl-A, Home, Find 
     EOL    Go to end   of  line  -  Ctrl-E, End,  Select 
     DELP   Delete prev     char  -  Ctrl-H, DELETE, Remove 
     DELN   Delete next [*] char  -  Ctrl-D, Ctrl-R 
     DELPW  Delete prev     word  -  Ctrl-B 
     DELNW  Delete next     word  -  Ctrl-F 
     DELEL  Delete to end of line -  Ctrl-\ 
     LOWER  Lower case the line   -  Ctrl-K 
     UPPER  Upper case the line   -  Ctrl-T 
     LKCMD  Invoke cmd prompt     -  Ctrl-V (in form text fields, only) 
     SWMAP  Switch input keymap   -  Ctrl-^
[*] "next" means the character "under" a box or underline type cursor; it 
     means "to the immediate right of" an I-beam type (between characters) 